Virtual Education Session (July 2022)

This month we will be discussing ‘Managing your Health with Diet’.

Join us for our July Virtual Education Session with Renee Gleeson who has had 25 years experience managing health with diet. Renee is an accredited practicing dietitian with over twenty years experience. Renee has worked in a diverse range of areas of dietetics, ranging from pediatrics to aged care. Renee is currently working as the senior dietitian for Rehabilitation, Aged Care, Pain and Palliative Care services at Peninsula Health, and has spent the last sixteen years working almost exclusively in aged care and rehabilitation.

Renee will discuss how to manage your health with diet and also how to deal with any dietary requirement when admitted to hospital.

We look forward to you joining us!

Date: July 9, 2022

Time: 10.30 am (AEST)

Location: Google Meet

This event is free for Scleroderma members!